Commercial Cleaning Franchises

Techclean Franchise

Techclean Franchise – the Demand for IT Cleaning Is Always Rising

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Min. investment

£6,000 +VAT

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Total investment

£19,500 +VAT

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Franchise Fees

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Level of expertise

Beginner to Senior

What is Techclean?

Since 1983, Techclean has provided businesses with the means to keep their IT equipment well-maintained. The company’s dedication to achieving the highest standard of commercial cleaning has led to a sustained level of profitability. Such is their success, in fact, that there are now several franchise opportunities open to you.

A Company That Specialises in Cleaning Electrics

It doesn’t matter how large or small the electronics are, Techcleans’ professionals can get the job done. This includes everything from the smallest tablet to the largest ATM machine. This flexibility has seen Techclean retain clients in many different sectors such as retailers, banks and other commercial entities.

What’s more, Techclean is also able to offer special services to those businesses which have computer rooms, data rooms or communications rooms which contain expensive, high-end technology. The company’s experts will use proven methodologies to systematically cleanse every inch of these delicate systems. But this still isn’t all this customer-centric organisation offers…

To ensure its clients know how to keep their IT equipment in the best possible condition, Techclean will freely offer advice during services.

Take This Franchise Opportunity & Run Your Business From a Home Office

You’ll find that investing in a Techclean franchise is a relatively low cost option. Mainly because it won’t require you to purchase or rent an office – you can be home based! All you’ll need is space for your supplies and equipment as well as a computer to complete your administration tasks and a designated phone for work calls.

Once you’ve signed your agreement and become a franchise partner, you’ll benefit from the processes that Techclean has spent years streamlining. It’s why they call their franchises ‘turnkey’ – you’ll be ready to go almost immediately. Operating in an assigned area, you’ll get all the training and support you need to succeed.

The Attributes Techclean Is Searching for in Potential Franchisees

Are you a self-motivated, good communicator with some sales and marketing experience? Then this commercial cleaning business franchise opportunity might just be for you. Of course, familiarity with the industry will be helpful, but it’s not a must.

What It Takes to Invest

£19,500 + VAT. That will cover the initial Techclean franchise costs in full.

In exchange, you’ll receive a licence to trade, comprehensive training, a marketing launch programme, a supply pack, your own Techclean website, financial software and so much more.

Plus, the only ongoing charges you’ll need to be aware of are the management and marketing service fees. They will combine to take only 11% of your annual gross turnover.

Banks Can Support You

Investors are sometimes turned off by independent start-ups because of the risks they entail. Thankfully, they look far more kindly on those entrepreneurs who plan to partner with successful commercial cleaning franchise companies. Once you’ve made your decision to join Techclean, simply put together a business plan and present it at the franchise department of your preferred bank.

Get Training, Support & Advice

It’s only natural for you to want a guarantee you’ll be properly prepared for your first day on the job as a commercial cleaning franchise partner – Techclean has the resources to make this happen. After you sign on the dotted line, you’ll be given a training schedule. This programme will begin with intensive instruction in the Techclean business disciplines and standards. It will end with you being able to take part in a real service with a current franchisee. Following this, you’ll be fully up to speed and ready to start. But you’ll still be able to rely on your new parent company for support and advice…

Did you know that the franchise team at Techcleans’ head office has over 70 years of combined experience in the commercial cleaning industry? They’ll act as your support network. This will include helping you get to grips with your new business website and the brand’s tried and tested marketing initiatives. These methods include targeting those with the money, authority and need by both phone and email in order to secure you with new leads.

Further to this support, you’ll also gain the advantage of reduced rates from suppliers.

Your Next Step

If you’re contemplating pursuing this franchise opportunity, send an enquiry and request further information. It’s easily done – fill out this form and submit it. It will take just seconds.

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Does Techclean Franchise seem like an interesting options?

if you have any specific questions im mind or would like to dig into a potentional partnership, feel free to reach out to us! We are here to help!