The Belvoir Group will provide you with comprehensive training and support as you embark on your franchise journey. For example, you will be matched with one of the Group’s Business Development Mentors (BDM( who will always be on-hand for guidance and support. This mentor will help ensure you are armed with robust knowledge when entering the property market and that you set realistic expectations for your business. You’ll not only be supported at the early stage of doing market research and due diligence but afterwards as well. As part of the initial training, you’ll be required to take a four-week training course that covers all the brands and how they operate. You’ll also find out how to stand out from competitors. The support from the central team will include training and mentorship, shop fit-out, marketing and more.
From the business development training team, you’ll start a training programme that covers 42 courses on 24 subjects. These are held throughout the year at the central office and at regional locations. You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in webinars and other online courses.
Further to this, you’ll get legal support, support from the franchise recruitment team at the early stages of your franchising journey, and IT support (you’ll have your own microsite to promote your business and they’ll also set up your email system). There is also assistance with finance and assisted acquisitions, marketing (such as national brand awareness and design templates for different marketing materials), leadership as well as audit and compliance. Regarding the latter, you will get support with handling client monies in the first three months, after which you can work autonomously. This will also include annual audits of client account procedure, tenancy agreements, terms of business, redress membership schemes etc.